The United States released the key points of the treatment of the right heart failure

The United States released the key points of the treatment of the right heart failure

Release date: 2018-04-24

Recently, the American Heart Association issued a scientific report on the assessment of right heart failure and management. At present, pulmonary hypertension has entered the era of new therapy, and the incidence of right heart failure has been increasing after the placement of the left ventricular assist device. The new statement discusses the etiology, pathophysiology, evaluation and treatment of right heart failure. (Circulation. April 12th online version)

Statement point

☆ Right heart failure is a clinical syndrome caused by right ventricular dilatation and dysfunction causing corresponding signs and symptoms. Acute right heart failure syndrome includes hypoperfusion, tachycardia, and hypotension; chronic right heart failure syndrome includes lower extremity edema, ascites, dyspnea, and renal insufficiency due to congestion.

☆The right ventricle has different embryonic origin, physiology, and anatomy than the left ventricle, which explains the sensitivity of the right ventricle to increased afterload.

☆ Right heart failure is often associated with left heart failure and is a predictor of increased morbidity and mortality.

☆ A variety of imaging methods have been used to evaluate right ventricular function; current magnetic resonance imaging is the gold standard for measuring volume, mass and systolic function.

☆ Capacity management is critical for the treatment of acute right heart failure because it affects load, right ventricular function, and systemic congestion, but most importantly ventricular interdependence, which affects left ventricular filling, stroke volume, and Heart output.

☆ The cornerstone of chronic right heart failure management includes oral diuretics for capacity management; other treatment options are mainly for the underlying cause of right heart failure. Neurohormonal antagonists including ACEI, beta blockers, and mineralocorticoid antagonists may be beneficial, but this benefit has not been fully demonstrated.

☆ Right heart failure can occur in patients with congenital heart disease, especially in patients with systemic right ventricle, single right ventricular physiology or atrial septal defect. But unfortunately, no long-term medical treatment shows long-term clinical benefit.

☆ Right heart failure is often the downstream result of pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary vasodilators, such as phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, endothelin receptor antagonists, and prostacyclin analogs, can provide mortality benefits for pulmonary hypertension.

☆ Before the occurrence of multiple organ system dysfunction, early consideration of mechanical circulation support in patients with acute right heart failure is important because recovery of right ventricular function helps to avoid the need for temporary supportive care.

Source: Physician

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