Sweet potato needs to be topdressed during the expansion period

Sweet potato needs to be topdressed during the expansion period

From late August to early October, it is the root-expansion period of sweet potato in spring and summer. This period is the key period for the formation of yield, and it is the most demanding period of fertilizer. The following topdressing method can be used for topdressing.

First, the hole eye fattening method with a piece of surgery, 20 to 30 cm away from its main root, hit a hole of about 30 cm deep, put the appropriate amount of three-element compound fertilizer, and sealed with wet soil, if on both sides of its ridge Make a hole and the effect is better. This method of mu production increased by about 20%.

Second, spraying the fruit and strengthening the body, so that the nutrient transport conduit of the underground fruit becomes thicker, the fruit is swollen and the fruit is smooth, the fruit is smooth, the fruit is strong, and the quality is high. Spray again every 7-10 days, even spray 3 times.

Third, foliar topdressing method spraying 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate (or 2.5% potassium sulfate, 10% herbal ash, 2% sulfuric acid, 0.3% superphosphate, 0.3% urea) aqueous solution, spray once a week, this method Increase production by 18%~20%

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