Spring ploughing, don't take these routines

Spring ploughing, don't take these routines

Spring is the season of recovery of all things, and it is also an important season for farming and sowing. For the production of crops, the quality of the varieties plays a vital role. Therefore, we must pay attention to the purchase of seeds, the following are several routines that will be encountered when purchasing seeds, please be vigilant.


Some unscrupulous traders use the banner of “highest technology products”, “large-scale farm breeding” and “super high-yield”, go to the village to “slap a gun for a place”, sell corn, rice, wheat, etc., and use agriculture. The time before the law enforcement agency goes to work (or after work), that is, before 8:00 am, from 12 noon to 2 pm, after 6:00 pm, three to five people, to the natural village "fudge" For a while, collecting money for sale for a while, then watching the momentum drop, hurriedly packed up and left. These lawless elements make good use of guerrilla tactics, but in fact, as long as the peasant friends carefully observe and think about it, it is not difficult to see that the "catty" is not deceived.

Low price

There are also unscrupulous traders who sell "selling dog meat" and sell the same variety at "low" prices, including seeds and fertilizers. In fact, "there is no free lunch in the world", the agricultural materials they sell may be "less than two pounds", perhaps "insufficient content", perhaps "fake and fake". After the farmers’ friends buy, they will definitely “not get lost”. Therefore, when purchasing, it is necessary to seriously consider "why the price is so low" and then judge whether to buy.

Hit the "expert" card

In recent years, in some large population villages, there are often so-called "experts" lectures, in the name of "a certain agricultural university" and "some research institute" experts, with seeds, fertilizers, pesticides on-site promotion, sales, and Local village cadres or "informers" united to allow these people to extract certain profits in order to play their "active" lead role. The agricultural products they promoted may not bring good benefits to farmers and friends, and some "experts" are only "one-of-a-kind" and have no authority. Therefore, farmers who purchase agricultural materials on such occasions must not buy more, but they can purchase less trials.


There are some local distributors who have made the “replacement” of seeds and fertilizers that have been accumulated for many years, which are difficult to be recognized by farmers, to make non-“this product” products, to use the “cheap” mentality of farmers, and to purchase some practical products. (such as pots, umbrellas, ponchos, etc.), take the "giving prizes for promotion" approach, in fact, this is only a means of "wool on the sheep", for their "fake and fake" products "sound clear". Farmers friends know that they are fooled when they buy and use them. Therefore, if this happens, be careful.

Post "brand name"

Some dealers will put so-called medals or pennants there when they are selling seeds, tell the farmers that you can buy them with confidence. These seeds are “famous brands” and they are all awarded. Who is the winner and who is awarded? Good varieties can be obtained... Is it a real “brand name”? We can't distinguish it, but only the ones that perform well and can make farmers have a good harvest are the famous brands that farmers' friends really recognize. As the saying goes: "Golden Cup Silver Cup is not as good as the people's reputation." Farmers must look for "brand name" when buying, don't be fooled by some dealers. It is best to look for some reputable companies, and at the same time buy what seeds to combine with local climatic conditions and common diseases to consider.

Playing fake advertisements

Some conscience advertisements can bring some really good varieties into our field of vision, but there are many restrictions on the rational use and scientific management of seeds. Therefore, when purchasing, we must look at the price, see the instructions, see the planting range, and see the climate requirements. Wait. Therefore, do not only recognize "advertising", regardless of the consequences, to maintain rationality, if necessary, can be tested and then promoted.

Look for

The so-called "trust" is an actor. The dealers use the follow-up and herd mentality of some farmers' friends. When selling seeds, please ask a lot of "to" to queue up to buy seeds, and these "trust" may tell you stories, saying " Last year, I planted this variety how good it is. How much is the harvest? I am afraid that I can’t buy it this year. I will come over the queue early in the morning...” These descriptions are so vivid that you can’t believe it. In recent years, there have been many reports. Some criminals have “cheated money” and played the role of “trust” to show up or buy on the spot. When some farmers buy seeds, these groups then flee or go to another place to repeat. Act on the crime.

"village cadres" sales promotion

In some rural areas, some agricultural production companies use the prestige of village cadres to promote fertilizers, seeds or pesticides in the village. In fact, they are selling products through the influence of village cadres. The quality of these products is not guaranteed. They make money and leave, when they find problems, village cadres Also can't be responsible. In today's society, there are more and more ways of flickering, and it is changing with each passing day. If we are not careful, we will recruit, and suggest farmers friends: buy seeds to go to a formal farmer's shop or find a seed dealer in a regular company. When buying, you should "three look", first check whether there is a formal business license, and secondly, look at the quality of the operators, see if they can patiently explain the planting techniques and precautions of the variety, and see if they can provide invoices and print the name of the regular seed company. Seed sales order and other documents. Whether the seed purchased is reliable or not is directly related to the harvest of the year. Because the use of counterfeit and shoddy seeds has caused the harvest to be greatly affected and even the grain has not been collected. It has also appeared in newspapers, so everyone must purchase it in regular channels when purchasing seeds. Avoid being deceived.

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