Middle and late stage fertilizer management

Middle and late stage fertilizer management

Three times in the middle and late stages of wheat

Since April, wheat has entered a period of equal emphasis on nutrition and reproductive growth, that is, the stage of ear differentiation. After entering this period, it is the period when wheat needs fertilizer and water demand. It is also the most dangerous period of powdery mildew, sheath blight, scab and aphids, wheat spiders, and larvae. At the same time, the root activity of wheat begins to decline, that is, yellow root. Increased, white roots are reduced, roots are absorbed, and water absorption capacity is reduced. Therefore, on the basis of jointing and panicle fertilizer, it should also be done in the middle and late stages of wheat in the panicle differentiation stage to the booting stage, the wheat heading stage, and the post-grouting stage after the flowering. It is recommended to combine the technical and pharmaceutical fertilizers with the following advantages: First, cost savings. The "three doses" of fungicides, insecticides, and regulators (or foliar fertilizers) can be sprayed together to reduce the amount of medicine, and the number of spraying can be reduced, and the labor cost can be reduced. According to calculations, per acre can be The cost of saving medicine, fertilizer and labor spray is more than 20 yuan; the second is to improve the control effect. Spraying the fungicide, insecticide and regulator together can increase the concentration of the fertilizer, so that the "three doses" promote each other and complement each other, improve the utilization efficiency of the fertilizer, and prevent the disease, the pest control and the yield increase. It can eliminate the wheat pests and diseases, premature aging and other germination in the early stage; the third is to increase production and increase efficiency. According to the practice and investigation in recent years, in the wheat in the middle and late stages of wheat, the straw is thick and strong, the flexibility is enhanced, the leaf color becomes thick, the green is thick, the ear is large and the grain is full, the grain is full, and the stalk is yellow. The occurrence of pests and diseases is light, generally increasing production by more than 15%, and increasing the benefits by more than 120 yuan. According to the survey, the fungicides used in the three-drug blending of wheat and fertilizer mainly include: Jinggangmycin, Zengjingjing (jingjingmycin and Fusarium oxysporum compound), triadimefon, allicin, and alkene. Oxazol, myclobutanil, carbendazim, thiram, thiram and other compounding agents, the first five main use of the first, to control sheath blight, powdery mildew, rust, etc., the second three The latter seven species are used to control powdery mildew and scab; the main insecticides are: cypermethrin, omethoate, cyhalothrin, deltamethrin, fenvalerate, phoxim, chlorpyrifos, Non-polluting pesticides such as acephate, imidacloprid, avermectin, methicillin, etc., and their complexing agents, high-toxicity and high-residue pesticides such as methamidophos should be strictly prohibited; regulators (or foliar fertilizers) are mainly : For the first time, strong rooting and seedlings, rooting powder, sodium nitrophenolate, etc. can be used to promote and improve root activity. The second time, amino acids, humic acid, fulvic acid and trace elements can be used to supplement nutrition and promote. Leaf photosynthesis; the third time can use potassium dihydrogen phosphate, cell activator, active enzyme and other regulators to promote Transport and enhance the vitality of whole wheat, prevent premature aging and so on. In addition, in order to supplement the deficiency of nitrogen nutrition, about 150 grams of urea can be added every time.

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