Cultivating carrots in early spring

Cultivating carrots in early spring

Choose the appropriate varieties to choose spring sowing varieties with anti-seizure, short growth period, good heat resistance, good appearance and internal quality, neat roots, less deformed roots, and higher yield, such as imported from abroad, Kuroda, springtime gold , Domestically produced Red Heart No.5, Chunhong No.1 and other varieties.

The use of new seeds for carrot seeds is a short-lived type. When the seeds are stored for a long time, their viability is reduced, causing the growth potential of carrot plants to weaken, and bifurcation occurs when a slightly harder soil block is encountered. Therefore, new seeds harvested in the previous year or canned seeds within the shelf life should be selected to prevent the formation of bifurcations or deformed roots.

Strictly control the seeding period sowing too early, seedlings suffer from low temperature for a long time, easy to convulsive in advance; sowing too late, late high temperature, low yield, poor coloration, malformed roots, poor commercial quality. Generally, the seeds are sown early in the day when the average daily temperature is 6 to 8°C. The inland areas of Shandong should be sown in late March and early April. The use of small shed cultivation can be advanced to late February to early March.

Choosing to loose loose fertile ground carrots is a root vegetable crops, sowing should be selected as deep as possible, loose soil, fertile, well-drained, leeward, warming early, permeability of water permeability of sandy loam soil or soil land planting, in order to benefit root expansion, coloring , improve quality and product rate. Try not to plant clay.

Deeply fertilize and fertilize, when fine cultivated land is cultivated, 3,000-4,000 kilograms of manure is applied per 667 square meters, 30 kilograms of phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, and 10 kilograms of available nitrogen fertilizer are used as base fertilizer. Deep plowing 25-30 cm and leveling. For ridicule cultivation, it can be planted in a single row or double rows. Is a single row of ridges 50 inches wide and 20 centimeters tall, and double rows are 70 centimeters wide, 20 centimeters high and 17 centimeters apart. Can also be planted flat rake, such as the use of flat hoe planting, rake width 1.5 to 1.7 meters, 30 meters wide.

Immersion germination generally 667 square meters with 500 ~ 750 grams of species. Carrot seeds are not easy to absorb water and breathable, and spring sowing temperature and ground temperature are low, and seed germination and seedling growth are slow. Can be soaked and germinated. Specific methods: 4 to 5 days before sowing, soak the seed in warm water of 30-40°C for 3 to 4 hours, remove and put it in a wet cloth bag, and put it under 20~25°C for germination to keep the seeds moist and regular Turn to make the temperature and humidity even, most of the seeds can be sown after exposed.

Seeding method For uniform sowing, the seeds can be mixed with 3 to 4 times finer soil. Rigid cultivation should be drilled, first open the ditch, ditch depth 3 ~ 4cm, along the ditch pour the bottom water to make rake, until the water infiltrated into the soil after the seeds were broadcasted, covered with soil 2 cm thick, and then cover the plastic film, in order to warm up . Hibiscus should be watered first, and soaked after the water penetrates into the soil. If spread, after sowing, cover the soil 2 cm thick, smooth; if the drill, according to the spacing of 17 cm to open the ditch, ditch 2 cm deep, soothe after sowing, covering the plastic film. When using small plastic sheds, they should be immediately covered with plastic film to increase ground temperature and promote seedlings.

Field management and time seedlings, Dingmiao, plant spacing 10 to 15 cm. Before mulching, the cultivators must be cultivated in medium tillage, and the soil shall be cultivated to the roots to prevent the roots from expanding and then expose the ground to form the green shoulders. Weeding is the key to the high yield of carrots. Weeding with herbicides can be done with 50% paracetamol WP for every 667 square meters and 25 kg for water. Spray the soil surface before seeding. Throughout the growing season, pay attention to scientific fertilizer management.

Disease prevention and treatment of common diseases are: black rot, black spot, sclerotia, etc., can be used at the beginning of the disease 72% Kelu 750 times or 52.5% fast dispersible powder 2000 times the control, spray every 5 to 7 days Once, spray twice.

When the harvested roots of carrots are harvested at the right time to reach maturity, they usually appear as yellow-green leaves and yellow leaves on the outer leaves, and they should be harvested in time. The specific harvesting time varies depending on the sowing date and variety. It is generally harvested in late June from mid-March to mid-March, and generally from June to April. It is harvested from mid-late to early July.

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