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Sheep Production Must Give Full Play to Heterosis>
With the development of sheep production in the world, from the use of wool to the use of both meat and wool, and the development of meat use, hybrid improvement with the main purpose of obtaining heterosis has been widely carried out in the production of meat sheep. At present, China's meat sheep production is still in the primary stage of "hybridization mode" and "hybrid combination", and "hybrid advantage utilization" has not yet been systematically and comprehensively implemented, nor can it produce standardized and standardized lamb products that meet international market requirements. The development of meat sheep production has been limited to a certain extent. “Hybridic advantage†refers to the cross between different meat sheep breeds, strains or taxa in the production of meat sheep, and their offspring surpass the parental pure breeds in terms of viability, growth potential and production performance. At present, there are many hybrid combinations used in the production of domestic sheep. There are binary crosses, three-way crosses, and multiple crosses, and the hybridization effects are not the same. In our country, we use extra-blooded meat or sheep with flesh and wool, such as German Merino, Charolais, Dorset sheep, Suffolk, etc. as the first parent or terminal father, and domestic The economic hybrids or three-way hybrids of sheep breeds resulted in the “heterosis†of 4-month-old and 6-month-old carcass weight and slaughter rate, net meat weight, and net meat rate. At present, the cross-breeding work of domestic sheep production uses mostly male rams as the first male parent or terminal male parent, local domestic sheep as the female parent, and large male parent sheep, and has fast production speed in the early period. Good maternal and adaptable features to get better hybrids. This selection method is reasonable, but historically, most of the parent or mother sheep used in production used to be not specialized meat sheep, and most of the four performance indicators systems that have not been carried out by meat sheep have been implemented. Breeding, that is, indicators of fertility, indicators of growth and development in juveniles. Carcass performance indicators, meat quality indicators, most of these varieties of sheep can not be estrus for many years or four seasons estrus, limiting the performance of the performance of the ewes, reproductive performance needs to be further improved breeding. The number of maternal goats used is large, and it requires good maternality, high milk yield, and good adaptability, so as to ensure that the survival rate of the offspring lamb is high and the growth and development speed is high. The domestic local breed sheep have more than the above performance characteristics, and the local breed sheep generally have the excellent quality of meat, delicious and juicy, delicate meat quality. However, most of the domestic sheep breeds are of primitive varieties, and the formation of breeds is restricted by the level of social productivity. There are problems such as low productivity, irregular characters, seasonal estrus, annual output of one child, and multiple lambs. Therefore, in the development of meat sheep production, Whether adopting imported sheep breeds or adopting local sheep breeds, they should be selected and purified first. The determination of combining ability should be used in production to determine the specific mating combination to maximize its genetic potential and to obtain the ideal combination of genes and heterosis.