How Hawthorn Frozen Processing

How Hawthorn Frozen Processing

Hawthorn fruit is rich in pectin and contains high acid content. It is a very good raw material to be processed into natural jelly after its juice is processed. The processing technology is as follows: 1. Raw material processing: No matter whether it is fresh raw materials or dried products, it can extract juice. After the raw materials are washed with dry products, they can be extracted by hot water at 60-80 degrees Celsius for 1-2 hours, filtered, or slag-dried, or immersed in water and beaten into a pulper to make a fine slurry. The ratio of dry hawthorn to water is generally 1:1 or 1:2. If using the leaching method, the hawthorn flesh must be thoroughly extracted. 2. Excipients and additives treatment: Due to the low sugar content in hawthorn juice, it is necessary to add sugar, and the amount of sugar is 30-40% of the raw material. Other additives such as thickeners are determined by hawthorn juice pectin content. If the juice is relatively dilute, 0.4-0.8% of sodium alginate should be properly supplemented, and sodium alginate is heated and homogenized with five times of water in advance. The sourness comes from citric acid, and the acid content of the product is 0.8-1%. Below this level, citric acid should be added. Need to add food red is about one ten-thousandth of the amount of the final addition of 0.05% potassium sorbate, all the above accessories and additives mixed and heated to the next boiling process. 3. Filling: Add a small amount of hawthorn essence before filling to make up for the shortage of raw materials. Then take a 200 g roundabout bottle. Immediately after bottling, cap it and tighten it. 4. Sterilization: Heat in a water bath at 95 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. 5. Cool. 6. Finished product: Hawthorn jelly cooled by hawthorn juice is translucent, red, sweet and sour. It is different from the synthetic jellies that are commonly used in the market with flavors, pigments, sweeteners and thickeners.

Anti coccidiosis

Control of coccidiosis:

Control of chicken Eimeria disease.

Coccidiosis is a parasite disease, which can cause serious loss of meat and egg production in domestic poultry. The multiplication of parasites in small intestine leads to the prevention of damage, reduction of intake and nutrient absorption rate in feed, dehydration and blood loss. Coccidiosis is caused by Eimeria, a single cell parasite. Eimeria's life cycle is about 4-7 days. Eimeria's life began when the active egg sac was eaten and eaten by chickens. An "egg sac" is a capsule with a thick protective layer to protect the parasites. They are "spores" or uninfective, but if the humidity, temperature or oxygen are appropriate, they start to grow. After the chicken took the egg sac, the coccidiosis was implanted in the intestine, and the cells were embedded several times and multiplied, which damaged the tissue.

Antibiotics: This kind of medicine mainly includes monensin, lasalleomycin, salinomycin, naramycin, Maduramycin, Hainanmycin and so on. The mechanism of action is as follows: there is one organic acid group and several ether groups in the molecular structure of the drug, which is negatively charged in the solution. It can combine with sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other cations that play an important role in the body to form fat soluble complexes, improve the permeability of the insect cell membrane to potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium plasma, and assist the cation to enter the body, This kind of medicine belongs to insecticidal drugs, because it can form a large osmotic pressure difference inside and outside the cell, water enters in a large amount, and the body cell of the insect expands, breaks and dies. These drugs can also interfere with the transport of nutrients through the cell membrane, limit the absorption of sugars by parasites, and inhibit the growth and development of parasites. Therefore, they have a wide spectrum of coccidiosis resistance. There are cross resistance and cumulative effect between these drugs, but no synergistic effect.

Eimeria tenella and Eimeria virulent, In ducks and geese coccidia of the genus Taize and Eimeria, e foE. arloigni and E. faurei in sheep and goats, Eimeria skrjabini of rabbit

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