â– Eat more iron-rich foods Liver liver, pig liver and other animal livers are rich in minerals and can be eaten twice a week. Duck blood soup, egg yolk, lean meat, beans, spinach, leeks, tomatoes, red dates and other foods are higher in iron content, can often eat. â– Food should be diversified Often eat milk, carrots, egg yolk, eat more vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables, these foods can supplement vitamin A, help iron absorption. You can also add some snacks such as beef jerky, braised chicken eggs, raisins, milk, and fruits between meals, which is also a good way to correct anemia. â– Eat high protein foods in the middle and late pregnancy During the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus develops faster. As long as the pregnant woman's weight gain does not exceed one kilogram per week, it is necessary to eat more high-protein foods such as milk, fish, eggs, lean meat, and beans. These foods have anemia treatment. Good results, but we must pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables in order to avoid eating greasy things hurt the spleen and stomach. â– Take iron under the guidance of a doctor For some pregnant women, iron intake from the diet alone during pregnancy can sometimes not meet the needs of the body. For pregnant women with significant iron deficiency anemia, they can choose to take in and take in gastrointestinal easily under the guidance of a doctor. Iron agent. Safety Disposable Clothing,Medical Isolation Clothing,Icu Isolation Clothing,Hygienic Isolation Clothing GUANGZHOU HTD INTERNATIONAL , https://www.maskhtd.com
Four strokes to help you improve your anemia during pregnancy>